PALM SUNDAY. On April 9th we celebrate Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem with a celebratory service and free pancakes. Come enjoy the food and fellowship during both services at 9 and 10:30!
GOOD FRIDAY. This is the day we celebrate Christ's crucifixion on the cross at Calvary. Join us on Friday, April 14th from 7-8pm for this service that includes communion and a contemplative journey to the cross. Child care available for kids 5 and under with pre-registration only.
EASTER SUNDAY. The resurrection of Jesus is the greatest event in history! We celebrate with joyous music and a hope-filled message on New Life for all from 1st Peter 1. Please prayerfully consider who you might bring as your "plus one". This is one of the few times in the year when people are willing to come to church. Children are invited to participate in an Easter-egg hunt with a Gospel message.